sheikh212: Roche and Iorveth are both great characters. Far better than Siegfried and Yaevin.
Yaevin was a total dick and Siegfried was like Butters from South Park.
Wow, that's interesting. Different people can have very different reactions to the exact same stimuli.
I liked Yaevinn a lot and liked Siegfried pretty well (though I was unhappy about how much he seemed to close his eyes to the evil that his friends in the Order were doing). On the other hand, I don't really like Vernon Roche. I respect his competence and his loyalty, but I don't like what he's had to sacrifice to get those qualities -- like flexibility and compassion. I admire competence and loyalty, but I also admire flexibility and compassion. I guess that's why my favorite Witcher character is Zoltan, who seems to have all four qualities.
I found the character line-up in TW1 to be much more likeable than the ones in TW2.