Posted May 18, 2011

By implementing these tweaks i got my fps up to 45 fps on everything high (DoF and uber =off).
1. Run the game in windowed mode.
2. Enable Vssync and force it on with RadeonPro
3. Disable anti aliasing (also in radeon pro)
4. Max the Flip Size queue in Radeon Pro
5. Enable all optimizations available in Radeon pro
6. Fake the game to think the Graphics card is an Nvidia 465 GTX using RadeonPro (VendorID is 0x10DE)

also i didnt quit get some of the things u have ddone in radeon pro.
1) clear enough :)
2) there is double refresh and normal one. which was it? dont think it matters at all though.
3) what do u mean DISABLED? forced it off? u can do that in the game' configurator, no?
4) u turned it up to 5? ok....
5) which boxes did u tick? there are a few that im not sure if they optimize something or just enable a feature that might slow the game down.
6) i think the ID u gave is wrong. where is it possible to see a table of IDs?
i am suffering from an overall confusion:
i just dont understand how come in the system requirements my system was considered recommended with my quad core CPU and 4850 GPU yet the benchmarking tool of the game claims i must run it on LOW and LOW is what it recommends.
usually i am getting about 23 FPS anywhere but the busy town in chapter 1 (chapter one is as far as i got , for now) where i get less. thing is, as i said, im getting the same amount of FPS, give or take 4-5 FPS. how can it be that i can't get over 30-35 FPS anywhere?
also, is it possible that something is wrong with my CPU?
in the past week or so i had about 3 crashes to the blue screen of death (dumping physical memory something something) which was weird. these crashes happened during playing a game and during watching a movie, so i dont think it was a GPU problem cuz it was sound asleep when the movie was playing. dont know if it has anything to do with anything.
3) disable it everywhere, put it to application control in the CCC panel, disable it or application control in RadeonPro, and finally disable it in the game.
5) Tick all the places where the word "optimization" appear:)
6) scroll down to the buttom for the Gtx 465 vendor id
For testing purposes, try the game with everything in the lowest possible setting. Then gradually turn them up as long as you can see the FPS doesnt drop too much.
Post edited May 18, 2011 by ASvinda