niothkorghai: Mysterious Merchant DLC is stuck in a infinite download loop it 100% downloads and then doesnt intsall and the download speed is extremely low as well, can anyone help with this?
REDDorigen: " If the solution I wrote earlier won't work please try this:
1. Open registry edit tool (regedit)
2. Find HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\CD Projekt Red\The Witcher 2
3. In properties there should be entry named "Serial". Right click it and chose "Modify".
4. In value field type your cd key.
5. Save changes.
6. Find HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\CD Projekt RED\The Witcher 2
7. Delete entries "InstallStatus" and "SerialNumber"
8. Then delete HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\CD Projekt RED\The Witcher 2\Downloads.
9. Open folder My Documents\The Witcher 2\Downloads and Game Directory\Cooked PC and delete files with extension .dlc
10. Launch TW2 and register game from the launcher using your cd key
11. Check if DLC works in game"
8. Worked for me, I removed the two highest numbered entries in that folder.