Posted June 07, 2011

Henselt is really what I imagine the real kings of middle ages to be. Also, "every woman dream is to be ploughed by a king"... what he did was not rape in his eyes, and probably in the eyes of a lot of people around him.
I really REALLY liked him at first, and constantly wanted to curry favour with him with the swordfights, and saving him from the assassins. But the moment that he jeered about having raped Ves (It was definitely rape in HER opinion, which counts the most, as well as Roche's and Geralt's. Though maybe that bastard Henselt didn't consider it rape) and declared his intentions to kill Geralt, even though he'd saved his life and had never directly associated himself with Roche's conspiracy, I knew that he was an utter bastard. And that just made the game all the bleaker.
Post edited June 07, 2011 by yagha