zerolink: Damn! I thought Geralt was 60, maybe 70, but nearly 100! XD. How long do the common folk live in this world? Do regular people have the same life span we do, or longer? >.<
The world is Poland and the Baltic states, ca. 1271, with only a thin disguise laid over it, so we can base statements about life span on the real world. This is near the end of the Medieval Warm Period, during which northern Europe enjoyed consistent growing seasons and food supply. The best statistics there are (considering the lives of commoners were not well recorded) indicate that an adult male could expect to live to 52 on average.
Geralt, however, being a mutant, unaffected by disease, and in excellent condition, could expect to live many years longer and would well be able to carry his strenuous and dangerous trade well into his 70s or 80s at least. Vesemir is many years older than Geralt and probably well over 100.