boozee: man you got a screwed up head. if you don't care about the cause, why care about the effect?
Because people arguing like children on the internet is irritating. We're old enough to all get along.
boozee: also, saying you don't care after clearly accusing me of name calling when I did nothing of the sort and telling him to not stoop to my level?
What I actually said was that he went to the same level, referencing the quoted text. I was saying that
he was guilty of what he had just said was bad. The only thing I said regarding you was that you were being immature, and even that was implied.
boozee: you seem like a nice enough person.
I eat kittens and ponies for breakfast. Must not be trying hard enough to convey that.
boozee: if you genuinely don't want threads turning into flame wars, you should stop people like asai from posting on this forum.
Don't have the power to do things like that. If I could banish people from forums, I'd probably abuse the power and institute some form of internet fascism, anyway.