pvisniewski: Even on the easier fights, the companions don't attack.
Some will cast, but the melee types just stand there doing nothing.
Even after telling them to attack, they kill the one target and then stop.
Every now and then they do attack additional targets, but more often than not, all the companions act like they're in puppet mode even when it is turned off.
I found a post on social.bioware looked like it might help, but it doesn't.
Even using voice emotes doesn't cause characters to attack.
So maybe the AI is just broken by something
taltamir: That means your companions got bugged. It happens sometimes, very very buggy game.
Once that happens their AI will stay broken for a while. However IIRC tonyk has a "reset" option for trying to fix bugged companions, try to use that. Maybe restart the game too (not the campaign, the game, as in, save, exit to windows, launch it again, and load).
Yeah that's part of it, and the reset option did help.
The other part is that another mod's version of a script was overriding the tonyk script.
But even after fixing that by making sure the tonyk version has precedence there are occasional problems. But at least it is a lot better.
It's been a long time since I last played this so I had forgotten that I needed to check for (and how to do it) file conflicts.
For anyone reading this that doesn't already know, you need to search the [NWN2 Dir]/override directory for files with the same name.
Since NWN2 allows mods to be put in to sub-directories inside of the override dir, you don't have the file copy warning of "file already exists, overwrite (y/n)" to notify you that a conflict has been found.
If you have a lot of mods and don't have a good way to search so many files for identical filename, you should at least search any any matching files with either of these 2 extensions: 2DA and NCS
Also very very important is to also check for extra copies of DIALOG.TLK.