Months old, I know, but there will always be people like me searching for solutions.
Yes, you can. The original was posted by Jeff the Geek on the steam forums, but I'd rather not post links, so here's how you do it:
1. Locate the keymap.2da file. It can be found in the located at:
\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\neverwinter nights 2\Data\
2. Extract a copy of this file to
\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\neverwinter nights 2\Override
3. Using your favorite text editor (I recommend Notepad++) edit this file.
4. You will see several lines that being with "Actionxx" These names in and of themselves have no meaning, but the interesting field is the 4th field, whice is the "Page". This is the page that the keymap entry is displayed on in the options dialog. You will notice that Quicksave (Action71) doesn't have a page assigned. If you replace the "****" with "2" (no quotes!) it will now display on the "Misc" page/tab of the Keymap options, and you can capture/assign it any of the normal keys (doesn't read Fn keys for some reason).
5. Save your changes and back up your file for good measure
6. Restart NWN2
I tried to make it F5, but to no avail. Even changing it in the ini after I've done the above still does nothing, so I just used the G key as it was in NWN 1. Note that the F12 key won't be unbound, so they will both work. Happy gaming!
EDIT, for clarity: simply replace the LAST set of <****> symbols, the one just before the words "QuickSave". For example, in my file the line with Quicksave looks like this:
Action71 10575 116 116 116 1 QuickSave
I tried to put 116 because that would be the code for F5, but as I said, it didn't work. Still, Quick Save now appears in the game Keymapping options for me, under "Game" (because I put 1 as the page number).
Post edited November 09, 2016 by Jurao