Engerek01: I hate paladins because all 6 Abilities are important for them. Maybe not intelligence.
Darvin: Wisdom is only important if you actually care about spellcasting, which is irrelevant to multiclass Paladins, and dexterity is only important at low levels. At higher levels you'll be wearing full plate anyways, so 8 dexterity with a +4 dexterity item will cap out your benefits anyways. But yes, the Paladin and Monk suffer from being spread too thin and having to make serious sacrifices to make enfd meet.
One of my favorite playthroughs was as a fallen Paladin. Started off with Paladin levels, fell to evil and started the path of the Blackguard, then finished up as a Cleric (used the Aasimar for obvious reasons). Thanks to the Water domain I had evasion, and with Paladin/Blackguard I got charisma to saving throws twice for stupidly high saves.
Did you left wisdom low on that playthrough? I mean you ended up with cleric levels and with low wisdom does that work good? Also, do you remember your levels? I guess OC ends with level 20. So was it like 15 blackguard / 5 Cleric?