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soulgrindr: If you look at the sales of Final Fantasy, Elder Scrolls, Fallout3, etc... I can't work out why EA isn't churning out Ultima games like there's no tomorrow. We should be up to Ultima 23 by now, like Final Fantasy.
Instead we're producing Evony clones...

It's because it has low development costs and high revenue potential, pure and simple.
This project could well be done for about a million. A big budget RPG full of production values would cost 30 millions.
Post edited January 27, 2010 by Chihaya
Gundato: I love how EVERY SINGLE response to this is "I haven't played it, but they ruined Ultima!"
Here is an idea: Maybe, just maybe, you should give it a shot before you say they "ruined" Ultima (and, let's be honest, that horse was sodomized and killed a while ago).
Everyone complains that the franchises they like are gone, then they go crazy when they come back.

Hey Ultima, I'm very happy for you, and I'ma let you finish, but the Dungeon Keeper Asia-only MMORPG was the best ass-rape of a video game franchise EVER!
I guess it's just EA's new thing.
Gundato: I love how EVERY SINGLE response to this is "I haven't played it, but they ruined Ultima!"
Here is an idea: Maybe, just maybe, you should give it a shot before you say they "ruined" Ultima (and, let's be honest, that horse was sodomized and killed a while ago).
Everyone complains that the franchises they like are gone, then they go crazy when they come back.
Is it a good game or "worthy" of the Ultimate title? Probably not, but none of us know. But I will say this:
Go look at how NMA (and a large portion of the Fallout community) reacted to Fallout 3. Now look at how it has been embraced by the majority of the Fallout fans as "different, but still great".

Normally, I'd agree with your sentiments, but there's a big flaw in your comparison.
Fallout 3 may have changed the style of the gameplay from a 2D isometric, turn-based combat system to a first person/third person shooter-style combat system, but at its core, it was still very much a roleplaying game. You walked around, you talked to people, you did quests, you developed your character. More than that, the things that set the Fallout world apart from other settings, such as its dark and twisted sense of humor, remained intact despite the change of perspective. So while a lot of people raged, others still considered it close enough to the spirit of the original games to be considered a true continuation of the franchise.
What's being shown here is a strategy game, something very unlike a roleplaying game, which is what the franchise originally was to start with. Could it be a decent enough game in its own right? That remains to be seen, but at its core, it won't be a true part of the franchise since it's not in the same vein as the originals at all.
The author of the article, I think, has a point: that it seems very much that this is simply an attempt to capitalize on a name that was, at some time, well known by a large number of game players, and that in doing so, they're not staying true to the franchise's roots. It's shoddy handling of a good name.
Gundato: I love how EVERY SINGLE response to this is "I haven't played it, but they ruined Ultima!"
Here is an idea: Maybe, just maybe, you should give it a shot before you say they "ruined" Ultima (and, let's be honest, that horse was sodomized and killed a while ago).
Everyone complains that the franchises they like are gone, then they go crazy when they come back.
Is it a good game or "worthy" of the Ultimate title? Probably not, but none of us know. But I will say this:
Go look at how NMA (and a large portion of the Fallout community) reacted to Fallout 3. Now look at how it has been embraced by the majority of the Fallout fans as "different, but still great".
AlphaMonkey: Normally, I'd agree with your sentiments, but there's a big flaw in your comparison.
Fallout 3 may have changed the style of the gameplay from a 2D isometric, turn-based combat system to a first person/third person shooter-style combat system, but at its core, it was still very much a roleplaying game. You walked around, you talked to people, you did quests, you developed your character. More than that, the things that set the Fallout world apart from other settings, such as its dark and twisted sense of humor, remained intact despite the change of perspective. So while a lot of people raged, others still considered it close enough to the spirit of the original games to be considered a true continuation of the franchise.
What's being shown here is a strategy game, something very unlike a roleplaying game, which is what the franchise originally was to start with. Could it be a decent enough game in its own right? That remains to be seen, but at its core, it won't be a true part of the franchise since it's not in the same vein as the originals at all.
The author of the article, I think, has a point: that it seems very much that this is simply an attempt to capitalize on a name that was, at some time, well known by a large number of game players, and that in doing so, they're not staying true to the franchise's roots. It's shoddy handling of a good name.

Except that other RPGs led to strategy games (and strategy games are actually the origin of RPGs. Look it up :p).
Look at (Heroes of) Might and Magic.
I think we got a few D&D strategy games.
And there are bound to be more that I don't even know about.
AlphaMonkey: Normally, I'd agree with your sentiments, but there's a big flaw in your comparison.
Fallout 3 may have changed the style of the gameplay from a 2D isometric, turn-based combat system to a first person/third person shooter-style combat system, but at its core, it was still very much a roleplaying game. You walked around, you talked to people, you did quests, you developed your character. More than that, the things that set the Fallout world apart from other settings, such as its dark and twisted sense of humor, remained intact despite the change of perspective. So while a lot of people raged, others still considered it close enough to the spirit of the original games to be considered a true continuation of the franchise.
What's being shown here is a strategy game, something very unlike a roleplaying game, which is what the franchise originally was to start with. Could it be a decent enough game in its own right? That remains to be seen, but at its core, it won't be a true part of the franchise since it's not in the same vein as the originals at all.
The author of the article, I think, has a point: that it seems very much that this is simply an attempt to capitalize on a name that was, at some time, well known by a large number of game players, and that in doing so, they're not staying true to the franchise's roots. It's shoddy handling of a good name.
Gundato: Except that other RPGs led to strategy games (and strategy games are actually the origin of RPGs. Look it up :p).
Look at (Heroes of) Might and Magic.
I think we got a few D&D strategy games.
And there are bound to be more that I don't even know about.

I'm aware of this. I've played Heroes of Might and Magic. I'm aware that it's a spin-off of the Might and Magic roleplaying games. I know it happens. I'm not saying it cannot work. But the Heroes games are not true sequels to the Might and Magic games, are they? That is what I'm saying.
EA is attempting to trade on the Ultima name at a point when the Ultima name is no longer fresh in people's minds. And they are attempting to do so, not by reviving the franchise through a true sequel, but by attempting a spin-off franchise. This is where a lot of the frustration comes from. Die-hard proponents of the franchise do not want a new franchise, they want their old, familiar franchise restored to its former glory, not cheap knock-offs or wannabes.
What they want, is a true Ultima game, in the same vein as the older ones. A strategy game cannot accomplish this. A well made ROLEPLAYING game, could.
My poor Ultima, how hath they forsaken thee...
First they did attack thee with jumpy-bits, which verily were reviled and later reduced with a patch...
Then they didst attack thee with a hastily finished ninth part of the story, which brought great sadness upon all fans...
Now they do twist thy name for their evil purposes...
and there was a great wailing and gnashing of teeth...
AlphaMonkey: I'm aware of this. I've played Heroes of Might and Magic. I'm aware that it's a spin-off of the Might and Magic roleplaying games. I know it happens. I'm not saying it cannot work. But the Heroes games are not true sequels to the Might and Magic games, are they? That is what I'm saying.

They somewhat are sequels, because they also continue the world's story. Well, save for Heroes 5, which is in completely different world (and it was done long after 3DO's and NWC's bankrupt).
Gundato: Except that other RPGs led to strategy games (and strategy games are actually the origin of RPGs. Look it up :p).
Look at (Heroes of) Might and Magic.
I think we got a few D&D strategy games.
And there are bound to be more that I don't even know about.
AlphaMonkey: I'm aware of this. I've played Heroes of Might and Magic. I'm aware that it's a spin-off of the Might and Magic roleplaying games. I know it happens. I'm not saying it cannot work. But the Heroes games are not true sequels to the Might and Magic games, are they? That is what I'm saying.
EA is attempting to trade on the Ultima name at a point when the Ultima name is no longer fresh in people's minds. And they are attempting to do so, not by reviving the franchise through a true sequel, but by attempting a spin-off franchise. This is where a lot of the frustration comes from. Die-hard proponents of the franchise do not want a new franchise, they want their old, familiar franchise restored to its former glory, not cheap knock-offs or wannabes.
What they want, is a true Ultima game, in the same vein as the older ones. A strategy game cannot accomplish this. A well made ROLEPLAYING game, could.

Actually, if my understanding is correct, the HoMMs WERE direct sequels, albeit they led to a branching path. And the current HoMMs (the Ubi ones) are just as core to the "main plot" as the M&M (which isn't really an RPG either :p) and Dark Messiah.
And I agree, they are trying to revitalize their old franchises (possibly to re-release the older games...). And the diehards are going to scream either way. But, like I said, look at Fallout 3. NMA are the definitive diehards and they were ready to firebomb Bethesda. Now? They actually seem to tolerate/like them. Go figure.
I am not saying this is going to end anywhere near as well as Fallout 3. It is probably pure garbage. But wait until you play it (or at least hear about somebody playing it). Every single article I have seen has consisted of just "I haven't played it, but how dare they do what I have been asking for for ten years!".
For the record: Stuff like this is why you will NEVER see me ask for a sequel to Planescape or Icewind Dale :p
I can hear Richard Garriot turn in his grave. Oh wait... ;)
Oh and possible screenshot from game can be found at Ultima: Aiera. Witness the full horror of the blasthemy the game is going to be.
So anyone else joining the lynch mod storming EA HQ and EA Phenomic studios and burning the heretics at stake?
Post edited January 27, 2010 by Petrell
Are we supposed to overlook the existence of Ultima Online? Or is that now a totally legit, non-commercial addition to the series?
Navagon: Are we supposed to overlook the existence of Ultima Online? Or is that now a totally legit, non-commercial addition to the series?

Ultima VIII, IX and Online never happened, they are just figment of your imagination.
Petrell: I can hear Richard Garriot turn in his grave. Oh wait... ;)
Oh and possible screenshot from game can be found at Ultima: Aiera. Witness the full horror of the blasthemy the game is going to be.
So anyone else joining the lynch mod storming EA HQ and EA Phenomic studios and burning the heretics at stake?

Actually from that screenshot it looks like it could be a fun online strategy game. I don't mind the name, universe or genre as long as it's a fun game.
Navagon: Are we supposed to overlook the existence of Ultima Online? Or is that now a totally legit, non-commercial addition to the series?
Petrell: Ultima VIII, IX and Online never happened, they are just figment of your imagination.

Ah, I see. Thanks for clearing that up.
Navagon: Ah, I see. Thanks for clearing that up.

Always happy to help :P
Ah what nostalgic feeling that word brings. Ultima... Good memories. Can't blame EA for trying...
They propably are too frightened to do reworks cause Lazarus was so good that it blew up the entire known universe. Little buggy perhaps, but fanmade remake of true classic so can't have everything. Also waiting for project Britannia.
And What are Lords of Ultima? People who rule over some games? Well it's a poor way of including a franchises name in games name... Britannia... Serpent's Isle... Pagan... Come to think of if it contains all those places then maybe Lords of Ultima suffices. But I think it will only contain Britannia so Ultima should mentioned in somekind of subtitle... But hey, they own it so they can do what ever they like.
Gonna go and try find somewhere a copy of dungeon siege 1 so I can play Lazarus again.