chautemoc: Sigh. People are so easily swayed, even by a single word.
'Tragedy' aside, I think it's really besides the point -- it is sad the game didn't get made, I think we can all agree. Maybe the team were slackers, but none of us really know -- the publisher and developer have conflicting stories. In either case, it's not like they weren't making or publishing other Duke games during that period, which is what everyone acts like.
3D seem like a passionate team to me that would've made the game if it was plausible.
That said, I quite enjoyed the review. :P
lukaszthegreat: They had 12 years to make the goddamn game. 12 years. they were slackers. or lairs. Either they did work on DNF and just slacked off
or they lied all the time they are working on it and just made screens in photoshop.
You don't work on game for 12 years. four years. sure. I can even understand six years (a big problem. problem solved but engine is outdated. start programming from beginning)
I am personally very happy that 3d realms got shafted. I feel sorry for all those normal people who lost jobs but the company deserves it. as well as being sued.
great review.
Really, how much benefit of the doubt are we expected to extend these people? A dozen years of blandishments and promises and for what? Absolutely nothing. A few teaser screenshots here and there, but absolutely nothing of any real substance. Playing a public who was genuinely enthused for a game and dragging them along, using that enthusiasm to keep them glued to the brand, keep their loyalty and then ultimately reward them with nothing.
Personally, I had no real loyalty to 3D Realms, but I imagine this stings for those who did, and while I don't really hold much stock in the notion of "fanboy entitlement" in this case I think it's justified. This game studio built up a fairly loyal fanbase and then ultimately threw that out the window by slacking off to the point where they were unable to come up with not just a poor product, but no product at all. Yahtzee's "review" hits the nail on the head: any decently competent studio could have put out -something- in a quarter of the amount of time. These people produced nothing.
And one can argue all they like about a desire to put out a quality product, but the end result is that they still ended up with nothing, and it's hard to say that nothing is better than something. It's equally hard to say that a hypothetical awesome something is better than the nothing we actually received.