Posted December 17, 2014

Is Don't Starve Together available to non-Steam users?
Don't Starve Together uses a lot of the Steam API's to function, hence, at this time, Don't Starve Together is only available on Steam.
I guessed that would be the case the moment I read it was a multiplayer game.
As for The Last Door, they do say that it's a thanks for feedback from the Steam community, but I figure that it won't hurt if some GOG owners of the game e-mail to ask them if proof of purchase from GOG is good enough. It seems though that it's just a discount, not "freebies" as the OP posted.

edit: so if indeed the private servers used Steam API, why can they only have six people?
It's early access, it makes sense to use an api for the "largest" part of the userbase for testing.