Posted May 24, 2009
Hey Guys,
This is Austin Walker, the US / Canada Editor at We're in the middle of a month-long GOG Game-Give-Away. You can check it out here, but I've pasted the details in here for your convenience. Check it out, send in your entries, and tell me what you think!
Hey readers, how do you like your games? Do you like them classic with a dash of ‘free’ thrown in for good measure? You do? Awesome, because we have some games up for grabs courtesy of the folk over at Good Old Games!
The rules of the contest are easy. Every week we will set you guys a challenge to complete. And simply put, the best entry will win the game of their choice!
Here’s what you need to do:
Go to the GOG website and choose the game you want to win.
Do what the weekly contest asks of you.
Write down your name, what game you are looking to win and attach your entry.
Email it to us at: olccompetitionATgmailDOTcom with the subject header ‘GOG Competition’.
For this weeks contest we want you to write a short essay of 200 - 1000 words about any game available on the GOG website. There’s a good chance that you’ll want to win a game you haven’t played yet, and we don’t expect you to write about it before you have it in your grasp. So, any game in their catalog will do. Just make sure to note the game you want to win separate from the game you’re writing about. So, what are we looking for in the essay? It doesn’t have to be a deconstruction of structural to be good, or even a [url=]tim rogers style diatribe about a game’s jump physics and the hamburger you were eating when you made your purchase. Just tell us what you thought about the game, where it fits into gaming history, why you bought it to begin with, what you thought of the ad campaign. You know, anything! Prose it up, and win a game.
The contest starts today, that’s Friday, May 22nd, and closes next Sunday, May 31st, at 23:59 Pacific Standard Time.
No double entries folks, anyone found doing so shall be disqualified. Don’t be afraid to go wild and crazy on us. Our fans are the best fans in the world, and we’re excited to see what you can do.
Good luck!
This is Austin Walker, the US / Canada Editor at We're in the middle of a month-long GOG Game-Give-Away. You can check it out here, but I've pasted the details in here for your convenience. Check it out, send in your entries, and tell me what you think!
Hey readers, how do you like your games? Do you like them classic with a dash of ‘free’ thrown in for good measure? You do? Awesome, because we have some games up for grabs courtesy of the folk over at Good Old Games!
The rules of the contest are easy. Every week we will set you guys a challenge to complete. And simply put, the best entry will win the game of their choice!
Here’s what you need to do:
Go to the GOG website and choose the game you want to win.
Do what the weekly contest asks of you.
Write down your name, what game you are looking to win and attach your entry.
Email it to us at: olccompetitionATgmailDOTcom with the subject header ‘GOG Competition’.
For this weeks contest we want you to write a short essay of 200 - 1000 words about any game available on the GOG website. There’s a good chance that you’ll want to win a game you haven’t played yet, and we don’t expect you to write about it before you have it in your grasp. So, any game in their catalog will do. Just make sure to note the game you want to win separate from the game you’re writing about. So, what are we looking for in the essay? It doesn’t have to be a deconstruction of structural to be good, or even a [url=]tim rogers style diatribe about a game’s jump physics and the hamburger you were eating when you made your purchase. Just tell us what you thought about the game, where it fits into gaming history, why you bought it to begin with, what you thought of the ad campaign. You know, anything! Prose it up, and win a game.
The contest starts today, that’s Friday, May 22nd, and closes next Sunday, May 31st, at 23:59 Pacific Standard Time.
No double entries folks, anyone found doing so shall be disqualified. Don’t be afraid to go wild and crazy on us. Our fans are the best fans in the world, and we’re excited to see what you can do.
Good luck!