Posted December 25, 2014

When I can get on nicely without purchasing something for so long, most likely I do not need it.
This kind of thinking let me survive the smart phone hype. When people are changing into iphone 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, I still can use my 5 year Nokia phone. I rather like that, it can drop many many times and will be still functioning. I only need to charge my phone once per week instead of smart phone daily / half day battery charge.
New is not better, as KiNgBrAdLeY7 says, Latest doesn't always mean best!
but these 5 hard drives work for me
and since i am the one who has to use them it seems it all works out eh ?
and i with 136 gog games
and 272 steam games which i tedn to install and back up
i do need quite a bit of space
as well as mods
60 gig worth of music
etc etc tec