Posted April 19, 2014

As previously reported, Ian's health took a dive for the worse. Whilst he is still ill, he intends to return to the forum - his appearence tonight the first of an ongoing Ianfest of shorter, but perhaps sweeter appearences.
I will not divulge the details of Ian's health - nor respond to any comments. This is simply me passing a broad message I've been asked to pass on...
Ian feels somewhat overwhelmed by the PMs he has recieved, this thread and the general response to his absence. In his current state of health, he has decided to recline for the evening and will respond as best he can over the coming days / weeks etc as he feels he can to personal messages and the likes, though his health is serious enough that he may find this difficult, so please be patient and YADA!
One specific quote:
"Its good to have spoken :) "