Earthlink dial-up in early 1997, when they just introduced 56K speeds and a reasonable monthly flat use rate; no X MB of data monthly restriction. Definitely a leg-up from many of the other dial-up providers at the time.
Still remember connecting the fifty-foot long phone cable from my modem to the phone-outlet jack downstairs so I could play Diablo online.
Data was so much more difficult to come by, buffer, and download in those days. Kids who grew up in a world always with high-baud Internet have no idea. You could spend all night downloading a video clip. or a few MP3s, and if you got interrupted and kicked off by an incoming land-line call you had to start all over again. I will say "GetRight" download manager was my best friend back in those days.
I preferred the cleaner layout to many webpages, especially online magazines like Salon, Slate, sites like Everything2 and Gamespot back when it focused on PC games online. Easily to navigate, load, and digest content without endless flash ads, pop-ups, and extraneous crap featuring click-bait articles clogging up the columns.
Back when Google was not yet king and Yahoo and Lycos were still chic, there were all sort of search engines competing for the same eyeballs. I remember using Hotbot and Dogpile the most.