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Check it out, guys! IT'S ALIVE!!!!!!
It's really disgusting, but also really fascinating. Wondering what it can be.
Maybe it's just another promo trick for Ghostbusters? We have the movie released in Blu-ray, we have the game, we have the annoucement of a new movie, and now we have real living slime in sewers...
It's basically a big ball'o'worms.
I'm sure they fry up pretty good. Blob burgers.
Horrible horrible video of sewer worms, I've seen this enough all this week :|
Either that, or it's a bad viral video for Zerg propaganda. Apprently the blob in the video is a vast collection of these worms. Sadly, no world invasion plans are in the making :(. No saving the world and rebuilding society in my own image......YET!!!! One day though :P
Can any marine biologists(or any sort of biologists) confirm or deny ?? Thank you.
Post edited July 03, 2009 by JudasIscariot
Somehow, this reminds me of Dirty Jobs With Mike Rowe.
Check it out, guys! IT'S ALIVE!!!!!!

Byproducts of the Judasian Mutation Program.... Sorry about that.
This invasion has started, soon we all will be like this guy...
Sooner or later... all that sewage is going to cause some sort of horrible mutation...
Then we'll all be screwed.
I thought this was about the slime from the sewer in Space Quest IV (or SQXII I suppose).
I think I used to date a girl who had one of those growing on the side of her neck..
Blarg: I think I used to date a girl who had one of those growing on the side of her neck..

XD +1
Makes me want to replay Vampire - The Masquerade: Bloodlines.
Post edited July 04, 2009 by Gragt