Posted May 01, 2011

But what is the average length of ALL single player campaigns?
Fallout 3 and NV, GTA4, RDR, all have pretty meaty content. I have 140 hours logged on Civ 5 (I know... not the same kind of game) so far...
I agree with you when its true... but it isn't always true. Plus, the industry moves in cycles, and we are in the multiplayer cycle. Good news for multiplayer fans. Bad news for those who aren't.
Now... my point of view is also skewed because I A) am not a young uber-gamer with 18 hours a day to spend and ambidextrous hands, and B) tend to lollygag through a game anyway... so all these 5, 7, and 9 hour games last longer in my hands anyway, but I'm really not unsympathetic. We grew up on games with an average of 40 hours worth on content and now we often, though not always, pay more for less than we used to.
Any word on the length of Duke Nuken Forever?