And people tend to forget how it was when UPlay was at launch and the titles that were requiring to be online to play them. UPlay was intended as a DRM measure and not as a service. Sure they've patched the online requirement from old titles and then they've found a new bullshit: Mingle Player. That means that anyone can access your game while you are online. Why the frag i need someone else in my SP game?! And of course, AC 4 has content for SP that can be unlocked only if you are doing the online challenges. Or participate in limited time events ( like my only concern in life is to look for those events and go online when they start ). And, yeah, had my share of bad experiences with Ubi support. So, of course I'm pissed.
Also not forgot the most stupid moment om ubi's history: Using a crack ( Reloaded) for removing the protection from Rainbow Six: Vegas:
Seriously, how incompetent can you be?! As a publisher and developer to have no clue....I bought Ubi games for a long time. Stopped when they've started to use StarForce ( funny, i got all the SF titles when i've changed my video card ). Bought POP 2008 ( and i still feel screwed, because the alternate ending is only available on XBox360 and PS3 ) and End War because Ubi did the only sensible thing in their life and went DRM free for those two titles. And then they've dropped the UPlay bomb
So, sorry for being pissed at being treated like a friggin' criminal, while the pirates can enjoy a complete game, without being bothered by UPlay or being forced to go online.