It's a shame that what UO had, the things that make it unique and special (open world, sandbox style gameplay, plenty of SOCIAL aspects, open pvp, full lotting,e tc) will likely never be made in another AAA backed mmo.
When graphical MMO's came out you had the big ones for that time, mainly UO and EQ (then AC). After these games the next-gen mmo's pretty much went the "eq" style of formula, games like WoW are pretty much a staple of EQ, just polished to hell with a few things added here and there, but the basic frame work and function is how EQ did it. Lv based, "theme park" style hand holding through specific area's of the world.
After UO made the switch with the whole Tram/Felucia split it went downhill from there, it lost what made it unique and fun compared to other mmo's. Then after it changed it set in stone basically that no AAA publisher would be backing a game in a similar style.
You can find some indie developer attempts at it (IE Mortal Online, Darkfall, etc) but nothing that has the marketing and power to attract the AAA likes of audiences such as WoW or even mmo's like DCUO.
It's a shame that when you try to explain what made UO special, the open world where you can cut your own path through it, making your character into whatever you wish. Then you explain there were no "quest chains, etc etc" and how you could be killed by other players at any time and looted of everything they cringe and can't wrap their head around it. They just picture their time spent in WoW or other mmo's where the LOOT makes your character. Where if oyu lose that "uber sword + 2" you are gimped and have lost over days/weeks of time getting it. Then you explain how items in UO were player crafted, they weren't uber and didn't "make" your character (your player skills and character skills were far more important) and that items were fairly cheap and you'd usually have plenty in the bank to requip, they still don't get it.
I long for the day when we may finally get a new UO Style mmo that actually takes off, where people actaully give it a solid, open minded chance, and find that they enjoy it for the same reasons those of us who were lucky enough to play it back in those days enjoyed it.
I just fear that day will never come, especially since everyone seems to want to chase the big WoW monster trying to eat it's pie.