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After I pre-downloaded TW2 I noticed that its virtual box in "My Account" won't sit on the last space (5th space) of my last shelf... it always jumps down to the next row to be by itself (after I close the browser, and open it up again). I happen to have exactly 50 games on my shelf (5 rows of 10) and TW2 will not sit in the 50th spot.

It doesn't have any problems sitting on the end of the shelf above it (the 9th shelf), or on any other spot on the 10th row... just not on the LAST spot on the 10th row. I can make TW2 #49 just fine.

Anyone else notice any other odd behavior with trying to arrange your virtual boxes on GOG?
Yeah, I've had a few games doing weird things. There must have been some shelf bugs introduced in the most recent update.
You can chek out a list of games affected by this glitch here
It's the government! They're in on it!
ovoon: It's the government! They're in on it!
Naw it's just the ghost that comes out every Friday the 13th.
Namur: You can chek out a list of games affected by this glitch here
Hmmm, I have some of those as well. I should try putting them in the same slot and see if they jump for me as well. Thx.

UPDATE: sho' nuff, Duke3D and JA:DG are "jumpers" for me too. Never noticed that before! Some games just need to "stand out", I guess.
Post edited May 12, 2011 by tritone
tritone: The Witcher 2's virtual box is "haunted"
Not surprising given that it was already Friday the Thirteenth in another part of the world. And being what The Witcher games are (portals to alternate realities across a wide array of a single worlds dimensional spectrum; allowing those of our world, to control the actions of those in another); in conjunction with the numinous nature of the number 50; and quite possibly having something to do with the metabolic byproducts of the electron based entities evolving within our worlds massive digital infrastructure... well, with all these events having transpired to occur at this moment in time, it is possible that when you moved your Witcher 2 portal to virtual shelf space #50, an ethereal transferance conduit was created which has blasted a hole right through the boundary between our world and The Witcher world.

Trying to put your personal Witcher portal into slot 50 is like trying to place a book on a geyser. An enormous flow of ethereal energy is gushing out of that hole in your shelf. Other games aren't affected because in relation to ethereal energy, they are nothing more than refracted light. Your Witcher portal on the other hand, has ethereal substance. And therefore is affected by the etherical outpouring.
ovoon: It's the government! They're in on it!
Always blame the government. ;)
WhiteElk: Trying to put your personal Witcher portal into slot 50 is like trying to place a book on a geyser.
I'll try to keep my personal Witcher portal out of all slots AND geysers, just to be safe!