It's estimated that the varies Conficker variaties have infected at least 3.4 million computers.
There are several variants, but 3 main ones: A, B and C.
A used a bug in Windows and tries to contact 250 sites a day.
B targets networks and spreads through file shares and USB sticks.
C, which is the one that becomes active April 1, tries to contact 50,000 websites a day.
C is also the one that's spread the least, so it shouldn't be too much of a problem.
It's quite an ingenius piece of software.
It doesn't install other versions on infected machines.
It's protected against take overs by using a public and private key system for updates.
It checks the country it's in based upon IP and language settings of the operating system.
It also checks the bandwith and the capabilities of the machine it infected to see what it can do.
Every worm also counts the number of machines it infected.
Botnets are money generators nowadays.
They're used for spamming, DoS attacks, hack attempts, etc.
A botnet itself is worth money as well and there's a market for it.
Creating such a piece of software to create such a large botnet which has the potential to create millions for the owner doesn't sound like an April's fool joke to me.
Note that with up-to-date operating system and security software you shouldn't have a problem.
The sites which are checked by the trojan every day are generated with some kind of algorithm. That algoritm is known and the sites are blocked or prevented from being created by domain registrars.
The C variant probably excists due to 1 or a few sites not being blocked in an earlier stage of the development of this worm.
anoffday: I just ran a virus check tonight, and didn't find anything, so I'm guessing I'll be ok.
Also, if it is real and you do have it, disconnecting from the internet for a day won't work. It'll just activate the next time you get on. Just go to and download AVG or Avira or some other free virus check software, and you should be fine.
TheCheese33: Just checked myself, and it looks like I'm A.O.K. By the way, everyone should try things like visiting antivirus websites and visiting websites that are against conficker. If the site doesn't load, chances are you have conficker.
No need to check antivirus websites.
Simply check if your antivirus program can receive updates.