Posted July 20, 2009

Red herring
Registered: Oct 2008
From Denmark

damaged lemon
Registered: Nov 2008
From Canada
Posted July 20, 2009
I agree!
I'd sure like to buy Mass Effect (and also Mirror's Edge), but really hate online activation. I think I'm gonna buy Mirror's Edge anyway though cause I love that game to death...can't resist.
I was reading about Mass Effect's DRM implementation on the BioWare forums, and one of the reasons they gave for using it was "no we can't guarantee you'll be able to play the game in 50 years, but how is that different from playing old games on new operating systems?"
Except it is, cause you could if you installed the same OS.......but anyway, Dragon Age is without all that so I hope BioWare goes down this path from now on. :)
Post edited July 20, 2009 by chautemoc

Once Proud
Registered: Dec 2008
From Australia
Posted July 20, 2009
You could always get a 360, I can't imagine playing mirrors edge with a keybaord & mouse (well I could handle the mouse but analogue movement is so much nicer than digital)

Thievin' Bastard
Registered: Oct 2008
From Poland

Once Proud
Registered: Dec 2008
From Australia
Posted July 20, 2009
you could at least post links you lazy sod

Thievin' Bastard
Registered: Oct 2008
From Poland

Registered: Mar 2009
From United Kingdom
Posted July 20, 2009

I'd sure like to buy Mass Effect (and also Mirror's Edge), but really hate online activation. I think I'm gonna buy Mirror's Edge anyway though cause I love that game to death...can't resist.
I was reading about Mass Effect's DRM implementation on the BioWare forums, and one of the reasons they gave for using it was "no we can't guarantee you'll be able to play the game in 50 years, but how is that different from playing old games on new operating systems?"
Except it is, cause you could if you installed the same OS.......but anyway, Dragon Age is without all that so I hope BioWare goes down this path from now on. :)
You could just use a crack after installing the game and you don't have to bother with all that online activation nonsense. You can easliy find them for all EA games and Mass Effect. Don't know if it works the same with digital Downloads though, they may have different executables.
When will they learn DRM's are a waste of time and a pain in the arse at best.
Post edited July 20, 2009 by thornton_s

Yay old game preservation
Registered: Sep 2008
From Hungary
Posted July 20, 2009

Couple o'links ;-).
and post #7 in [url=]this thread are good examples.

Game Elemental
Registered: Sep 2008
From Other
Posted July 20, 2009
Here's another comparison.

Once Proud
Registered: Dec 2008
From Australia
Posted July 20, 2009
Oh yeah, take THAT Gamersgate!

damaged lemon
Registered: Nov 2008
From Canada
Posted July 20, 2009

I've played both and find kb/mouse much better. :)
Don't want a 360, not stable enough for me..dont want a TV and I hate Microsoft's IGN whoring on the dashboard.
That said the 360 controller works with PC, which I have.

Nope -- BioWare put in tripwires so the game won't work correctly with cracks. I know there's one which fixes the overheating issue..but anyway, too much fucking around for me. I've played the pirated version with the latest crack and it's buggy as hell.
Post edited July 20, 2009 by chautemoc

Registered: Mar 2009
From United Kingdom
Posted July 20, 2009
I played it from an original disc with a crack and had no problems, however i didn't register it or use online (is there an online mode i can't remember). Same with all the latest EA games i've bought. GTAIV was probably the worst but then it didn't work without a crack.
What is this overheating issue you mentioned for Mass Effect?
Its ok i remember now the guns overheated and got stuck.
What is this overheating issue you mentioned for Mass Effect?
Its ok i remember now the guns overheated and got stuck.
Post edited July 20, 2009 by thornton_s

resident bro
Registered: Mar 2009
From United States
Posted July 20, 2009
i was just noticing this