Posted April 09, 2011

RPG Addict
Registered: Sep 2010
From Australia

Registered: Oct 2008
From Panama
Posted April 10, 2011
Crap! I forgot about thanking Ceemdee! She gifted me a copy of Planescape Torment several months back and I'm very, very grateful for that gesture. She sent me a retail copy from the batch she bought at 1 cent some time ago but paid for the shipping and everything. So thanks Ceemdee! Not sure if you still check the forums, since I haven't seen the eye-patched smilie face in a while (that coincidentially, did not have a smile)...

sons of liberty
Registered: Dec 2009
From India
Posted April 10, 2011
i would like to thank gyokzoli for gifting me kings bounty the legend and Foxhack for Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos

Lazy GOGer
Registered: May 2010
From Indonesia
Posted April 29, 2011
So I just checked my e-mail and lo and behold... I got Outcast from thewishingwell! Wow... thank you... thank you... thank you!!!