HereForTheBeer: Which one could easily back up by taking a look at which ideology / party gave more support to the Civil Rights Act. (Hint: it was the "bigoted" GOP.) As Frater points out, it's not as simple as the study wants us to believe.
Likewise, I have opinions that would piss off either side, so what does that make me? I mean, I consider myself right-leaning but I advocate for gay marriage rights in civil matters. So I'm dumber than a box of rocks for wanting smaller federal gummint but I'm a fookin' genius because I feel gays shouldn't be treated as second-class citizens? My head all-asplodey!
Anyway, pigeon-holing this stuff is pointless. Plenty of "intelligent" people from all ideologies have done plenty of stupid and harmful things over the years. Plenty of "average" thinkers have turned out to be quite good decision-makers.
I think part of the problem is that the GOP and right-wing ideologies are not inherently evil as some seem to believe.
Although people like myself don't subscribe to a fully free market philosophy, there are valid and arguable reasons in favour of it, and this is part of the core of what is broadly defined as "right-wing". There are valid economic and social arguments for restricting immigration, although again, I personally don't subscribe to them.
The problem is that the right wing has been hijacked by self-obsessed, hate-filled asshats for no other reason than the right wing provides them with a suitable platform to enforce, promote and protect their own interests and express their own hateful tendencies.
The right wing is by definition about conservatism, i.e. conserving tradition and the status quo. This has nothing specifically to do with immigration, race or the free market.
As an example, it's logical that some people may feel that their traditions are being compromised, so racists jump on the bandwagon because it provides the best basis from which they can convince people that foreigners are evil.
It doesn't mean that "right wing" or "left wing" ideologies can be pigeon-holed as you say. It's just that right-wing ideology is like a pile of shit in the most figurative sense - it attracts flies and parasites.
predcon: Well, yeah. He's the only guy I know that would shut down a federal government for not getting a window seat.
I actually thought that this was some English euphemism and that my English was somehow failing me until I did some research about how that was literally meant. What an asshole.