Posted July 23, 2009

I agree, however, that the Chief Moron, in this case, is Activision. Releasing shoddy games hurts both your sales and your reputation. (It could be argued that Activision has already lost their rep, but I digress.) It is waaaaaaay more cost-effective to spend a bit of money to produce a quality product. Not only will the product sell better, but people will be interested in buying the next product.
I think the COO of Activision should be fired and replaced by someone who has some business sense.
If I were working for a company I'd be beyond embarrassed if I had to slap a "Doesn't work on Vista tag" especially two years after the OS's release. Try a little.
Also, I could be wrong (and someone correct me if I am) but I'm pretty sure the DOS version of King's Quest VII does work under DOSBox, so all they had to do was slap on the DOS version instead of the Windows one.