Posted March 31, 2014

The Tired One
Registered: Apr 2012
From United States

Musing Aurelius
Registered: Dec 2010
From United States
Posted March 31, 2014
It seems to me, that anyone that doesn't allow for the possibility of anything, including nothing, is closing their mind. jmo
Edit to add: To do otherwise would assume that you know, absolutely and irrefutably that something is. Belief and faith aside, good luck trying to do so.
Edit to add: To do otherwise would assume that you know, absolutely and irrefutably that something is. Belief and faith aside, good luck trying to do so.
Post edited March 31, 2014 by Dischord

New User
Registered: Sep 2012
From Australia
Posted April 01, 2014
From a scientific perspective, assuming if ghosts exist and are, or some are elements of dead people, my questions are this;
1) How do they see? or if they could see, how do they capture light rays without any light rays being intercepted?
2) Where do they store memory or what mechanism do they use to process thoughts?
Same questions as above apply to near death/out of body experiences but add a couple;
3) what mechanisms does the spirit use to drift around and record information that the person then wakes up and can remember? Does the spirit download directly to the brain or is it stored and then downloaded only when the brain is functioning again?
You cannot separate information from science and you cannot separate the spiritual from information!
1) How do they see? or if they could see, how do they capture light rays without any light rays being intercepted?
2) Where do they store memory or what mechanism do they use to process thoughts?
Same questions as above apply to near death/out of body experiences but add a couple;
3) what mechanisms does the spirit use to drift around and record information that the person then wakes up and can remember? Does the spirit download directly to the brain or is it stored and then downloaded only when the brain is functioning again?
You cannot separate information from science and you cannot separate the spiritual from information!

Vigilant GOGer
Registered: May 2011
From Australia
Posted April 01, 2014
My opinion: I require scientific proof.

noob user
Registered: May 2009
From Singapore
Posted April 01, 2014
Woudn't want to meet them, unless it's Casper and only if he brings chocolate chip cookies.

Musing Aurelius
Registered: Dec 2010
From United States

Registered: Sep 2012
From United States
Posted April 01, 2014
Ghosts are real.

New User
Registered: Sep 2012
From Australia
Posted April 01, 2014
If a hammer fails to solve any problem, your not hitting hard enough. ...unless your trying to use it to defend yourself from a ghost (even then you could hit yourself on the head and solve the problem that way)
Edit: I also forgot to mention - from a scientific perspective, if time is not an issue, you could use the hammer to craft the screwdriver into a wrench!!
Edit: sorry, it is a rubber hammer and a porcelain screwdriver !! Now craft it into a wrench?
Edit: yes, use the porcelain screwdriver to craft the rubber hammer into a rubber wrench!
ok then, a porcelain screwdriver and a stone hammer!
Yes heat the stone to lava and .....
Edit: I also forgot to mention - from a scientific perspective, if time is not an issue, you could use the hammer to craft the screwdriver into a wrench!!
Edit: sorry, it is a rubber hammer and a porcelain screwdriver !! Now craft it into a wrench?
Edit: yes, use the porcelain screwdriver to craft the rubber hammer into a rubber wrench!
ok then, a porcelain screwdriver and a stone hammer!
Yes heat the stone to lava and .....
Post edited April 01, 2014 by mystikmind2000

Musing Aurelius
Registered: Dec 2010
From United States

Gray Zombie Cat
Registered: Dec 2009
From Poland
Posted April 01, 2014
Good material for fiction.
Other than that - nothing that ever happened to me came close to convincing me that there is any thruth in ghost stories.
Other than that - nothing that ever happened to me came close to convincing me that there is any thruth in ghost stories.

Deadpan Snarker
Registered: Jun 2012
From Germany
Posted April 01, 2014
Science is not a tool. Science is the entire toolbox with every tool ever.

The Tired One
Registered: Apr 2012
From United States
Posted April 01, 2014
its important to remember that there are severial things science can not explain. While I feel science will find a way to explain these in the future it is fool hardy to say something is impossible just because science cant fully explain it. I mean we all agree a yawn is not make believe correct? :)

Musing Aurelius
Registered: Dec 2010
From United States
Posted April 01, 2014

Science is a tool, and not useful for every question.
Hammers are great, screwdrivers are great, but each fail poorly when you need a wrench.

That the subject of the dogmatism is truth, itself, does little to differentiate it from that of a religion.
You state blindly, without demonstrable proof that it is such, yet you cannot prove scientifically that it is so. Your own method defeats your premise.

Registered: Sep 2012
From United States
Posted April 01, 2014

Science is a tool, and not useful for every question.
Hammers are great, screwdrivers are great, but each fail poorly when you need a wrench.

Post edited April 01, 2014 by monkeydelarge

Deadpan Snarker
Registered: Jun 2012
From Germany