Posted May 02, 2011

Registered: Apr 2011
From United States

Registered: Sep 2008
From Czech Republic

Registered: Apr 2011
From United States

Dosbox l337
Registered: Mar 2009
From Peru
Posted May 02, 2011
The only reason why the usa invaded iraq was because of all the oil that country has, and because their pals israel pulled them there. Nothing more. Everyone knows that. And this isnt flamebait.
RottenRotz: after all,who would want to attack america?seriously...this guy from desert and his 20 cossacks??hahaha..or maybe sadam with nukes THAT HE DOESN HAVE??maybe the vietnamese will come back...i can hardly wait for north koreans.What will be the story??they dont have bread or rice,but sure they are ready for 10-year war with US.jesus...youve been brainwashed badly... We've all been driven by the nose on everything, and still are. It's easy to claim "conspiracy nuts" to win arguments, but there's lots of evidence that just doesnt add up to the official story.

Post edited May 02, 2011 by drmlessgames

Registered: Apr 2011
From United States
Posted May 02, 2011
i hear you ...but sadly i have to disagree..people think it is something else most war is oil war this one is one of the obvious ones...but they need publicity for it so....yeaaah 9/11 ...just saying...

Fiction Factory
Registered: Nov 2010
From Croatia
Posted May 02, 2011

The Anti-Hippie
Registered: Oct 2008
From United States
Posted May 02, 2011
Uh, a short list: Al Qaeda, Hamas, Taliban, the nomads in Saudi Arabia (blocking on what they are called). North Korea, Venezuela (more precisely Hugo Chavez). Not saying they will, or even can. However, I am pretty sure all of those what to do us harm. Being the world's policeman, and doing it VERY poorly and with bias doesn't win many friends.
Yep, he was loaded. He was part of the extended Saudi Royal Family. It doesn't matter where he lived, he has solid monetary backing.
Yeah, that was rather silly, I do agree. I do think Bush just wanted an excuse to take him out.
The rest of your post is pretty ludicrous, so I won't bother to reply. However, as for Osama, I do think it is very plausible that he planned and funded the 9/11 attack. If you don't, well good for you. However, I don't think there is a middle ground to be reached in this argument, minds are already pretty made up, so further debate seems like a waste of time. So, that is about all I'll say about it. :)
P.S. I knew several people who died in the 9/11 attacks. I worked for Morgan Stanley at the time, and the Head Office was at the top of Tower 2. It was during our morning conference call. That is something you just don't forget. So, yes, I did look into it. I just don't see any evidence that spells out 'conspiracy' in my mind.
Yep, he was loaded. He was part of the extended Saudi Royal Family. It doesn't matter where he lived, he has solid monetary backing.
Yeah, that was rather silly, I do agree. I do think Bush just wanted an excuse to take him out.
The rest of your post is pretty ludicrous, so I won't bother to reply. However, as for Osama, I do think it is very plausible that he planned and funded the 9/11 attack. If you don't, well good for you. However, I don't think there is a middle ground to be reached in this argument, minds are already pretty made up, so further debate seems like a waste of time. So, that is about all I'll say about it. :)
P.S. I knew several people who died in the 9/11 attacks. I worked for Morgan Stanley at the time, and the Head Office was at the top of Tower 2. It was during our morning conference call. That is something you just don't forget. So, yes, I did look into it. I just don't see any evidence that spells out 'conspiracy' in my mind.

Positive Patty
Registered: Oct 2009
From United States
Posted May 02, 2011

It's still a murder. In hindsight, it was a necessary murder, necessary evil, and celebrating evil that is inheritably usable as a predicament makes it even more dangerous. That's just a cold logic, not a human perspective.
If it turns out that his surrender was asked for and that the reply was streaming lead, then much of the discussion about comparative evils is moot. Which brings us back to many folks agreeing that his death is a fitting end.
Either way, he self-proclaimed a war against the US, which would make him a combatant. As such, it isn't assassination or murder.
I can't quite call my feelings "happiness". It's more a combination of relief and satisfaction. I can understand how many folks, like those who have lost loved ones to the various attacks orchestrated by him and al Qaeda, would feel actual happiness at this. I'd compare it to how the family of a murder victim might feel when the murderer faces justice for the crime.

Saves The Day
Registered: Sep 2008
From United States
Posted May 02, 2011
Wow, who knew this would turn into a 9/11 conspiracy thread? /sarcasm

Dosbox l337
Registered: Mar 2009
From Peru
Posted May 02, 2011

Post edited May 02, 2011 by drmlessgames

Registered: Apr 2011
From United States
Posted May 02, 2011
Yeah we are a bully like i said...we think we deserve everthing it is sad we need fuel for the war we con not just go in they..needed something for the people to follow just like i think it was korea correct?
drmlessgames: The only reason why the usa invaded iraq was because of all the oil that country has, and because their pals israel pulled them there. Nothing more. Everyone knows that. And this isnt flamebait.
RottenRotz: USA has interests all over the world.oil is just one of them but very important one

New User
Registered: Jul 2010
From Germany
Posted May 02, 2011
This thread is full of omniscient people. Wonderful. Please could you tell me the next week's lottery numbers? :)

Registered: Apr 2011
From United States
Posted May 02, 2011
I feel bad for the people that belive this goverment is not selfish and does not make shit up to go to war...i rteally do im sorry to those that have been lost to the real world
drmlessgames: Yes, selfish-interests, thats true. Israel being the other one. I dont know why the usa people dont get their heads out of their rear ends, and stop letting their own government do all kinds of shit in the middle east only to support their satellite spy known as Israel. Leave them on their own. "the only democracy in the middle east" boo-freaking hoo. It's more like guam than jefferson's DC in there.

Vote Civilization II
Registered: Sep 2010
From Spain
Posted May 02, 2011


Saves The Day
Registered: Sep 2008
From United States
Posted May 02, 2011
Well, logic just left stage right, so I will be leaving this thread with it.