Gator_man: Do you mean you would prefer this method of increasing your fleet size as opposed to the research tree that is already in the game? Next time I play I am planning on getting the achievement for only using Capital ships, I think that is going to add some fun challenge to the game.
JudasIscariot: I didn't see it in the research tree...but I would have figured more planets = more people = more resouces = more ships. I might have not been far enough in the research tree to see all that as I was being beset by massive fleets that my fleet took forever to get to...
ITs not in the research tree. However it is in that area - when you load up the research tab there are 4 menu options - one for ship research, one for planet and economy research, one for artifacts that you have and the last is upgrading your fleet capacity limits.
You have 2 options, either upgrading base fleet size or upgrading your capitol ship limit,
As for more planets = more ships considering the makeup of many maps I am glad this is not the case as I think (balancing wise) it would break the game since as soon as anyone got a planet advantge they would be able to steamroll over others - especailly if a random map were to have a player with few planets near their home system