I don't feel that Second Hand software is the devil. I am not crazy about paying $70cdn for a new console title. I'll wait a bit and buy it used from Blockbuster/EB Games/eBay for half or less of the new retail.
I don't feel dirty or bad at all about doing it. The developer is getting paid for the purchase of the game when it's sold from the store. I feel the publisher has absolutely no right whatsoever to any profit from the subsequent sale of the game. If I buy a game at WalMart then that copy of the game is mine and if I want to re-sell that copy (read: that copy, not make 15 pirated copies) then I feel I'm entitled to do so.
If I go and buy a new Honda from the dealership and then sell the car a few years later and then that owner sells it a few years after that, then how can Honda feel they should be entitled to a portion of the profits from the subsequent sale of that vehicle? And I don't care that you use a car for years and get 20 or whatever hours of use from a software title, the fact is the company has been paid for that product and the person who owns the product they bought is entitled to do as they please with that title.
I feel it's the same for any product I buy. I've paid the retailer for the product who pay the creator and everyone else in the chain and the product is now mine, and if I want to throw it in the garbage, bury it in a hole, or re-sell it to someone else, then the decision is mine.
I feel the resale of software does nothing but help the company who created it. Example: I buy a used DVD at Blockbuster, really enjoy the movie and then go buy the other movies in the series, or more movies with the same actor that I liked. I buy a used video game, like it and go buy other games in the series.
I can't help but feel that any company who feels that used software sales hurt their business is just whining and money-grubbing.
One man's opinion.