Weclock: Same here, I'm very tempted. When I read the first notice from my phone (thanks twitter) I was like "ah.. surprise? oh.. it's a racing game. :(' then I saw there was a contest and I was like 'I could do that.."
And at $5.99 it makes me wonder.
Look at it this way: If you were to buy a scratch ticket, or a lottery ticket (with bonus numbers), or 50/50 from a sporting event or even buy candy from the Girl Guides or Scouts it might cost about the same. Only with the aforementioned you'd be rich and with the latter you'd have helped good organizations.
Here you get the same. You get chance to have some fun in competing, you get a reward for winning, at the very least the consolation prize for everyone is a good old game, and you support a great organization. What do you think? Like it?