jamotide: Sorry dude, people disagreeing with you is not abuse.
Apparently, outright telling you I wasn't going to talk to you isn't enough to get you to leave me alone. Now you're misrepresenting me.
I never said people disagreeing with me is abuse and such a belief is clearly one I do not hold.
I have been in
many disagreements, some even very heated, over my 3 years here and not only have I never claimed abuse, I've never even lost the rep to even give me cause to...
until I disagreed with you.
In fact, me losing rep is so recent, Google literally has
no record of me having any low-rated posts. Seriously.. guess what I was looking for when I found out about the attack on Ubivis.
Indeed, of the
6 results for "xyem" and "low rated", they are all where I have posted in a topic where someone else has been low-rated (and not a single one of them is my opponent in a disagreement, by the way).
So, pray tell.
How does 1 person (
who says they have no friends) enter an argument against 3 or 4 other people (at least one of which is "popular" enough for anyone
even remotely helping them or on their side to be immediately be accused of only doing so to
[url=http://www.gog.com/forum/general/replog/post385]favour) and yet.. it is the 3 or 4 people who end up with low-rated posts but "Billy No Mates" does not.
Even if that one person was 100% absolutely, irrefutably correct, it does not necessarily follow that they would get fewer low-rated posts than their 3-4 opponents. If all the participants downrated all their opponents posts, it would only take 1 or 2 to send the one persons posts low-rated while it would take another 4 for their opponents.
So you are basically saying that my position was
so wrong that even though you had
zero vocal supporters, you had more than 4 other people agree with you, whereas even though I had at least 3 vocal supporters,
not a single other person disagreed with you.
I think this to be pretty unlikely (mainly because I was getting supportive PMs from a few people who didn't want to become targets..).
Something was going on.
Sure, it may not be you, but I am clearly ruffling
someone's feathers and you are currently my prime suspect.
During that entire argument with you in RepLog, the phrase "Thou doth protest too much" was a prominent thought. Especially so when you continued to attack me
after I disengaged you in debate (like you have just done here).
You also seemed adamant that it would take hours to create 100 accounts, when it only takes about 30 minutes. It's almost as though you have made multiple accounts and it took you a long time.. otherwise, why not believe me when I said it took me ~5 minutes for 9 accounts (for the rating testing)?
It all comes across like whoever is abusing the rep system is trying to dissuade me from investigating, so perhaps instead of obstructing me and making yourself look it is you, you should try to help?