lowyhong: Thank goodness. It would have blown my mind apart if this was real. Still, rather convincing though.
Navagon: There are fundies out there who would go for something like this. But given the development costs the market is far too small to justify it.
You're thinking is all askew there, we should be embracing the move to a computer based method of salvation delivery. This provides an important gateway to the hearts and minds of the masses living in sin without the lord. More importantly it gives us the opportunity to milk these gullible idiots for every cent they have!
I suggest the development of a generic religion-centric social networking service, "Deliverance over Routed Internetworking Protocol" or DRIP for short.
DRIP will feature multi-faith support where the user (also known as a Drip) specifies their denomination (catholic, christian, jewish, pastafarian etc) which will determine which site plugins are compulsory, which are recommended and which are forbidden under pain of eternal torture in hell. They can then subscribe to various "news" feeds featuring uplifiting tales (for a modest fee), example of the code follows (Its in vbscript but should be easy enough to port to ASP)
Document.Selection.Typetext "James was once a violent and murderous drug addict, lead there by the evil of video games until one day he tried to rob a kindly old man who explained to James just how lost he was. A few months later and with a lot of support from his fellow " & DENOMINATION & " souls, James has become a happy and productive member of society, all thanks to the miracle of " & USERGOD & "."
If DENOMINATION = Christian Then USERGOD = Jesus
If DENOMINATION = Catholic Then USERGOD = Jesus
If DENOMINATION = Jewish Then USERGOD = Abraham
If DENOMINATION = Pastafarian Then USERGOD = The Flying Spaghetti Monster
Else USERGOD = God
End function
In addition to the "News" feeds, there will be segregated free forums for discussion between the like minded faithful about how right they are and a premium forum where, for a modest fee, the faithful can interact with the heathens who have selected the wrong god from the dropdown box and attempt to convert them to the correct way of thinking. A monthly prize of a gold plated holy symbol (customised to the Drip's selected denomination) will be offered to the Drip who can convert the most heathens and get them to change the denomination in their user control panel.
Is is only me that's starting to REALLY think about doing this? I could be an IPvangelist! I wouldn't even have to keep a straight face...