Posted January 18, 2014

2023-08-14: Remember the Spaces!
Registered: Jul 2012
From United States

Optimum rat
Registered: May 2010
From Finland
Posted January 18, 2014
Well it does look a bit prettier than Real Myst does, but it does look like they haven't done any remodeling as the models themselves look like realituve low poly.
But what's the real incentive to get this if you already have original Myst or Real Myst? I take it this is only for those who have't played Myst before.
But what's the real incentive to get this if you already have original Myst or Real Myst? I take it this is only for those who have't played Myst before.

chrono commando
Registered: Jan 2012
From Australia
Posted January 18, 2014
I figured they would just offer Masterpiece Edition as a free upgrade for everyone who already owns realMyst...

New User
Registered: Apr 2010
From Australia
Posted January 18, 2014
Where did they say they'll offer a discount? (If that's the case, I wonder if it applies to too... I'd like a discount since I bought realMyst on CD when it came out and also re-bought it on GOG!)
tomimt: Well it does look a bit prettier than Real Myst does, but it does look like they haven't done any remodeling as the models themselves look like realituve low poly. Yeah it does look like they imported the models from realMyst and started tweaking (as opposed to starting over). You can really tell by looking at the "Myst morning" shot; see the planetarium roof's profile is comprised of six straight edges, whereas in the original game it was perfectly spherical.
But they have definitely improved the textures, and also added a lot of new "detail" objects like rocks, real grass, small plants, proper tree leaves, etc. Compare the trees on Myst Island to realMyst -- in realMyst, the trees are just two "cardboard cutouts" at 90 degree angles, and even that is only when you are within about 3 feet of the tree. If you walk further back, the tree turns into a solid image! This one is definitely going to feel more "real".
I guess it's up to you. If you have played Myst but not realMyst, then getting this is a no-brainer. The amount that realMyst improved the immersion of Myst was phenomenal at the time, not to mention the new Age ending. If you have already played realMyst, then this may not be necessary, but I'd say it will still provide a new level of immersion; if you have not played the game in years and want to play through it again, this will be the best way.

But they have definitely improved the textures, and also added a lot of new "detail" objects like rocks, real grass, small plants, proper tree leaves, etc. Compare the trees on Myst Island to realMyst -- in realMyst, the trees are just two "cardboard cutouts" at 90 degree angles, and even that is only when you are within about 3 feet of the tree. If you walk further back, the tree turns into a solid image! This one is definitely going to feel more "real".
I guess it's up to you. If you have played Myst but not realMyst, then getting this is a no-brainer. The amount that realMyst improved the immersion of Myst was phenomenal at the time, not to mention the new Age ending. If you have already played realMyst, then this may not be necessary, but I'd say it will still provide a new level of immersion; if you have not played the game in years and want to play through it again, this will be the best way.

2023-08-14: Remember the Spaces!
Registered: Jul 2012
From United States
Posted January 18, 2014
I thought it was said in the post that's now vanished outlining the news, but that post seems to have vanished, and I don't even have a farcebook.

New User
Registered: Apr 2010
From Australia
Posted January 18, 2014
The Facebook post is still there outlining the news (same as the Twitter and Google+ versions):
"Real Myst Masterpiece has gone gold! It will be available on Steam very soon. #Gold #RMM #AwesomeJobTeam"
"Real Myst Masterpiece has gone gold! It will be available on Steam very soon. #Gold #RMM #AwesomeJobTeam"

chrono commando
Registered: Jan 2012
From Australia
Posted January 18, 2014
Hopefully they haven't forgotten GOG...

2023-08-14: Remember the Spaces!
Registered: Jul 2012
From United States
Posted January 18, 2014
Strange, I thought I was certain I had read somewhere that Cyan was clarifying that 'upgrade' wasn't the right words and RealMyst owners on steam would get a discount.

The Big Gog
Registered: May 2011
From Italy
Posted January 19, 2014

@MaximumBunny: It's the same basic game, with Myst Island and the four other islands you get in Myst, but it's in real-time 3D. There is also a new Age at the end (Rime). (Note that there is not another new Age in realMyst Masterpiece Edition; just the Rime Age that is also in realMyst but not Myst.)

New User
Registered: Sep 2008
From Switzerland
Posted January 19, 2014
Well I will buy it if it comes over here of course; but apart from that Myst "1" is not exactly the one I was hopping of a remix of.
If I remove the nostalgia attached to it, it's one of my least favorite in the series, I would have preferred a 3D version of Exile, Riven, or even better of the fourth (Yeah I know this one is not made by Cyan and they don't have the rights for it but still).
If I remove the nostalgia attached to it, it's one of my least favorite in the series, I would have preferred a 3D version of Exile, Riven, or even better of the fourth (Yeah I know this one is not made by Cyan and they don't have the rights for it but still).
Post edited January 19, 2014 by Gersen

New User
Registered: Dec 2008
From Canada
Posted January 19, 2014
Can Cyan please stop bringing Myst to yet another platform and maybe focus on getting Exile and Revelations out of publishing limbo?

New User
Registered: Apr 2011
From Denmark
Posted January 19, 2014
Yet another Myst in my library :3
Well i liked Real Myst MUCH, so a better and more stable version of that only makes me happier ^^
Although i would have preferred to see a Real Riven since THAT game was just amazing.
Well i liked Real Myst MUCH, so a better and more stable version of that only makes me happier ^^
Although i would have preferred to see a Real Riven since THAT game was just amazing.

Registered: Sep 2008
From United Kingdom
Posted February 05, 2014
Popped up on Steam right now:
edit: If you already own RealMyst, you get Masterpiece Edition for -33%
edit: If you already own RealMyst, you get Masterpiece Edition for -33%
Post edited February 05, 2014 by amok

Comfortably Gray
Registered: Dec 2009
From Poland
Posted May 06, 2014
It's comin'. is happy to invite you to come and join us as we hangout live on air with Rand Miller from Cyan Worlds and Kosta Andreadis from +IGN this Wednesday. We're here to chat about everything from the impending release of RealMyst Masterpiece edition on, classic Myst questions, and maybe even a few questions about Obduction. is happy to invite you to come and join us as we hangout live on air with Rand Miller from Cyan Worlds and Kosta Andreadis from +IGN this Wednesday. We're here to chat about everything from the impending release of RealMyst Masterpiece edition on, classic Myst questions, and maybe even a few questions about Obduction.

Zero fox given.
Registered: Nov 2008
From Germany
Posted May 06, 2014 is happy to invite you to come and join us as we hangout live on air with Rand Miller from Cyan Worlds and Kosta Andreadis from +IGN this Wednesday. We're here to chat about everything from the impending release of RealMyst Masterpiece edition on, classic Myst questions, and maybe even a few questions about Obduction.
Now hopefully those of us who ponied up for the original version of realMyst will get a nice discount, because I'm not paying full whack for what is essentially the same game.
Also, why when I see the name Obduction do I get images of people being sliced open in the name of science?
Post edited May 06, 2014 by jamyskis