Posted March 24, 2014

What change I would like to see, is an end to the bigotry and hate of certain people. Respecting people's freedom of choice: which includes condoms, sex before marriage, abortion, homosexuality, etc. Basically get out of people's lives unless those people happen to ask for assistance. Also, I would like to see the church pull it's fair share in the community that includes paying taxes. And get off my damn TV...can we move all religious bullshit to Monday 8-11am. Sunday is my break from all the bullshit in the world and I have to see that on TV.
Edit: Also an end to door to door visits...mostly Jehova's, but they are the same in my eyes. Also, approaching people in parking lots to spread the word of God.
You also see her father watching her like a hawk.
Post edited March 24, 2014 by jjsimp