Wishbone: But the games will cost the same tomorrow, when none of it will go to charity. Quite frankly, I'd rather donate $30 directly to one of the charities collecting for Haiti, than padding PopCap's sales statistics.
Also, note the asterisk on the page, right after "earthquake recovery efforts in Haiti.*" Follow that asterisk down to the bottom of the page, and you'll find "*Taxes not included." If I donate directly to a charity, then all of that money will go to the recovery effort, not that amount minus taxes.
Yeah, I know, I mentioned it in the first post. I just find it a bit a bit meaningless to complain about prices when we're basically talking about donations, as if the price of a PopCap game is too much to give.
If you donate the same amount somewhere else, you get nothing. Here you get a game or two "for free" (or, if you want to nitpick, the cost of the taxes - which still makes them pretty cheap). A great bonus, in other words.
Yeah, getting stuff isn't exactly the point of giving, but who cares about that? It's the giving that matters. And the people of Haiti needs all the help they can possibly get. So if you've been wanting Plants vs. Zombies for a while, today is the perfect day to buy it.
And let's be honest here, if GOG came up with this idea we'd all be loving it.
The important thing is to give money in the first place, of course. So if you donate directly to a charity, that's even better. Just do it, instead of talking about it. :-)