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granny: On top of that, the new Sonic game is a Wii U exclusive
On the topic of console wars, if someone had told me 15-20 years ago that the new Sonic game would be exclusive to a Nintendo console, I would have really thought that they would be yanking my crank.
Post edited August 26, 2013 by jamyskis
Wont be touching either. I am happy with my PC and 3DS with Pokémon.
I might buy a Nintendo WiiU when a decent Pokémon game arrives on it, but until then I am very much in the "meh" mode.

Every one I know bar one already have their PS4's on pre-order. The only one who does not, has pre-ordered an Xbone, so either way I get to see how bad both are in the end.
A second-hand Wii for those old Nintendo exclusives, and dump the rest of my money on upgrading the PC.
None here i am happy with my pc. ok ill miss some exclusive games but there is enough games on the pc to keep me happy.
ktchong: Playstation 4 vs Xbox One
I think people posting about Wii-U and PC might be missing the point of the thread...
I'm not going to throw Microsoft an Xbone. If I get anything it will be a PS4.
If I had to pick one of the two, I'd buy the Xbox One, because of Kinect. That's the reason I have the 360, and hopefully an updated Kinect will offer some nice gaming with fewer of the inaccuracy issues.

If I didn't have to pick one of the two, I wouldn't buy either. The Wii U is an option if it ever becomes very cheap, because it can run Wii games, but the PS4/Xbox One aren't backward compatible so they're yet another device to add and I'd rather not do that.
if i must choose, i think ps4

but i will keep for now my pc
Post edited August 26, 2013 by Xibalba
When my PS3 decides to give up the ghost (hopefully not for many years yet), it'll be a PS4 for me. Until then, I see no reason to invest in a new console. It's not used much for gaming anyway, mostly it's a media center.
granny: On top of that, the new Sonic game is a Wii U exclusive
jamyskis: On the topic of console wars, if someone had told me 15-20 years ago that the new Sonic game would be exclusive to a Nintendo console, I would have really thought that they would be yanking my crank.
Yeah, tell me about it. I still maintain that the Dreamcast is the best console I've ever owned, and it really was a device two or three years ahead of its time. If only Sega had waited a few years for the internet to really take off, and given the machine a bit more power (and possibly a second thumbstick), we'd be discussing whether or not to get an XBone or a Sega Apollo. Ah, what might have been... :-)
If I were to choose one over the other it would be the PS4.

I had an Xbox360 and a PS3.

Why I got rid of my Xbox360:
I hated Xbox Live - having to pay for something I get for free with my computer seemed idiotic then and still seems idiotic now.
The Xbox raped people on the price of the Hard Drive.
Had USB ports, that didn't work like standard USB ports, thus not allowing controllers/keyboard/mice/hard drives from the PC not able to work with the device.
The controller from the Xbox not able to work on the PC until many months later.
The Xbox also didn't have many exclusives I cared for playing that were not on the PC.
No HDMI until well after I got rid of the thing.
No bluray.

Now the first four items were dick moves to customers, plain and simple. The last two were just not forward thinking.
And ontop of all this BS with the new one that add even more dick moves that if PS4 didn't call them on would have been implemented and still is going to be implemented by EA.

So Fuck the Xbox and fuck Microsoft.
Post edited August 26, 2013 by jjsimp
My vote for this generation goes to Sony's PlayStation 4, and for the same reason I hated the PS3 with all my heart: the Xbox One is an anti-user monster, a useless, crippled compilation of U-turns and Microsoft deserves to die if the company's future is that mix of utterly unbearable crap of Windows 8, Metro, a fucking app store for "apps" on a fully functional, non-crippled PC. They deserve to die.
I'm most certainly getting a Playstation 4. Not at launch, sure, but a year or two from now, definitely.

Hopefully with the architecture of the next-gen consoles we'll start to see more PC ports, but there are bound to be some games that don't make the transition. Also about the exclusives to each company, Sony has like 15 first party studios, MS just can't compete with that. Sure they'll throw their money at companies for exclusives, like they did this gen, but if they follow the same trend they'll probably just be timed exclusives and they stop once they have a decent enough install base again. Plus, Sony makes some more experimental games, like Journey or Beyond: Two Souls, the MS exclusives I know, disregarding kinect, are mostly action games.
ktchong: Playstation 4 vs Xbox One
DreadMoth: I think people posting about Wii-U and PC might be missing the point of the thread...
On the contrary, they're clearly expressing their preference for neither.

I'm not likely to buy either of them, probably a Wii U for Bayonetta 2 and Nintendo games if anything. More concerned about getting a decent gaming PC.
KingofGnG: My vote for this generation goes to Sony's PlayStation 4, and for the same reason I hated the PS3 with all my heart: the Xbox One is an anti-user monster, a useless, crippled compilation of U-turns and Microsoft deserves to die if the company's future is that mix of utterly unbearable crap of Windows 8, Metro, a fucking app store for "apps" on a fully functional, non-crippled PC. They deserve to die.
Amen to that.