what I meant was the physical part of it (that makes it an actual crime in many people's eyes vs piracy) isn't really anything more than the distribution its basically nothing. The real product I'd be charged with stealing if I took a cd is the same item that piracy takes so how is it really any different? (A movie on dvd and a movie on cd are the same movie(even if it costs different because who can use or would want the vcr one) and its still that movie when it isn't on anything.)
i don't think I'm explaining what i meant well at all...meh it isn't that important anyway
Besides even if I did I'd be waiting my time cause this is the internet and a gaming site whats worse so even if I were clear and articulate people'd just intentionally misinterpret and respond with idiocy like
Darkcloud: Cutting of a arm and slapping someone on his arm should be punished the same way because both things hurt the arm.
attempting to reduce something awsome that I'd hypothetically say to something foolish and easily mocked rather than actually counter it directly with something that makes sense in defense of the opposite view or something wrong with what i hypothetically say really well lol.
nonspecific you can't copy a painting or put your name on somebody else's book because you'e "Stealing their words" but copying a game is cool cause its not like that took time and work to do. A painting has a physical existence but for software copies are all you have. And if you make software its only value is selling copies. If people take them and try to dodge loopholes about weather its theft you have nothing left to sell so they've stolen that from you.
edit- merged reply into this one so I don't double post.
edit-you can't ninja in a pirate thread or you'll summon a bacon robot or something and nobody wants that