Fred_DM: come on. yes, 30 million active accounts doesn't equal 30 million unique accounts or 30 million happy customers, but Steam would never have become as popular as it is if the majority of its users hadn't been happy with it. that's just common sense.
See my points about Walmart, Steam had first mover advantage and expanded very aggressively (which is often a good thing to do in the short term). Those 30 million accounts don't necessarily mean people like it any more than they like Walmart, it simply means Steam made economic sense to them when they created the accounts.
Incidentally a lot of people believe Walmart is irrevocably tanking because they've expanded as much as they can in their major markets and their prices are no longer any lower than their competitors' prices. This leaves them in the unenviable position of competing with places like Target that have nicer stores, the same prices, and lower end brand names (something Walmart doesn't have) as well.
Steam took a lot of heat from Amazon over the holidays and Amazon is still fucking with them. Amazon is taking Steam's cut of the sales, even on Steam games, by aggressively matching all of Steam's best sales and making them eligible for the $5 off coupon so many still have. Sonic Generations is still on sale for the entire week at for $14.99 and is eligible for the $5 off coupons. It wasn't slated to go on sale until Monday but the moment it went up on the weekend sale on Steam, matched it.
So if Steam no longer has the best prices, even on Steam games, Valve could immediately lose their 30% cut on sales and still be on the hook for supporting the buyers. This means that Steamworks may become less "inexpensive" for developers to use. In addition now there's Origin and GfWL will likely be rebranded and made to work in the same business model that's made XBox Live such a success. Btw, I've checked into Steam achievements and how they fucked it up compared to the amazing implementation MS (and even Sony) has is beyond me.
All I'm saying is Steam may not have as much going for it as you believe and those 30 million folks may like it a whole lot less than you think.
crazy_dave: Or public education ...
That too, the teachers in the "good" school districts took paycuts again this year to avoid layoffs. Yes, they have a union and it's economic reality, my state has the shortest school year in the US.