TAG123: The nice thing would be for LucasArts to allow GOG to put 'Star Wars Episode 1 Pod Racer" up. Then we wouldn't have these kinds of problems. Heck, while they're at it, their other games should be on GOG! Yeah!
cogadh: Unfortunately, the odds of that happening are about slim to none. LA protects its IPs too rabidly to allow them for sale without any kind of copy protection. That doesn't mean the GOG guys aren't trying to to get LA, after all, they are probably the most requested publisher on the site already.
I've not really heard about any especially draconian DRM shit from lucasarts, in fact from what I've seen they seem to be one of the least complained abut companies. They do have a bee in their bonnet about not letting go of their IPs which is probably why sam & max took so long to be made by someone else but a correctly phrased request highlighting the current income vs projected income of their old titles might just work on them. Someone pirates the CD version of Xwing, big whoop, no money lost. Someone pirates a poential GOG version of Xwing, big whoop, no money lost. Someone BUYS a potential GOG version of Xwing, money in their pocket.