Posted August 13, 2009

For me, I have 5. Quantity isn't the same as quality, these people shouldn't listen to stalin so much
The gamer poster seems to be playing to the stereotype of the pathetic jaded sociopathic mysanthrope who can only achieve gratification through games. As a near avatar of that stereotype I should be offended but I'm not. I gave a quick snort of derision, said "morons" and got on with my life, now it doesn't matter to me.
The whole thing is a pretty simple "Well how would you feel if the negative stereotypes about your broad category were thrown around as negatives" kind of psychology. It lacks tact and subtlety but then so do the target demographic so I suppose fair is fair. Shame it's more likely to just change the insult from "fucking fags" to "fucking WHINY fags". Intellectually inferior people are irrelevant, ignore them and life is vastly better
It's kind of weird to mentally go over all of my friends and rate them in terms of how many are really 'real friends' and how many are 'just' good friends. Lets' just say i have quite a few friends and some of them have been my friends for a very long time and definitely belong under the 'real friend' banner like you described, even if a couple of them go to insane lenghts about everything in their lifes simply cause they're...well...insane.
I'll probably pick up a few more along the way, but the ones i have right now are all that i could ever ask for, both in quantity and quality.
And yeah, that add it's very unimaginative even if i would expect the sentence works for lots of teens, since many kids seem to have very few real friends these days. Still, meh...