This is the only Tex Murphy FMV I haven't played yet. I got started on the Tex Murphy series with Under a Killing Moon, probably when it came out, I supposed. I don't really remember, I was very young at the time... maybe 10 years old? I loved it, I loved the great story and most of all Chris Jones is a great Tex Murphy! Sarcastic, down-on-his-luck, smart-mouthed, he's great. I really hope they do some more Tex games, especially since I heard they bought the rights back to the Tex Murphy series.
I think, though, that of the two, Overseer was, by far, my favorite Tex game. It took the glory of great storylines and acting that UAKM had and produced an even finer product. But, of course, I'm biased :D
If you guys really like adventure games with fantastic plot, I'd suggest looking at Heavy Rain, a PS3 game that will come out by year's end in 2009. Of all the videos I've seen of it, it looks like it really could be a great game, and if it lives up to the hype, maybe it could help nudge adventure games back to the forefront of gaming again. I think great adventure games that are wonderfully acted could help validate and legitimize video games as much as cinema is.