DarrkPhoenix: I was considering the two sequels, but from what I've read of them it looks like there are several aspects that would make them much less enjoyable for me. The greater complexity of combat and greater focus on it (especially in Warrior Within) is something I don't think I'd care for, and moreover the introduction of more time-sensitive platforming (Dahaka chase sequences and platforming as the Dark Prince), which I find a bit too stressful to be enjoyable (a key factor to me enjoying Sands of Time is being able to almost always take my time to figure out the platforming sequences).
there As with SoT, rewinding time makes the game as little frustrating as possible. And it's not that hard either, on easy anyways. If you could get it cheap enough, you'd simply get a fantastic story extention. As for 3rd Prince... Well, StarForce, so let's pray GoG will get it :D Anyway, it had damn frustrating boss fights, but if you 'stealthed' trough the game, it wasn't hard at all