Zacron: What resolution are you gaming at? I have a 32" LCD TV that I use at 720p and very nearly every game I throw at it, including Crysis 2 and Skyrim all run great at Max/Ultra settings, and I simply have an EVGA GTS450 1 GB OC'd to 822 MHz. I love this card.
cw8: 1440x900
19" monitor
I like small screens actually, keeps my eyes from rolling around too much -> less tired -> play more games.
A man after my own heart. I don't get why some people go gaga over super high resolutions that aren't at all practical like the new 4k monitors. All it does is drive up the price to ridiculous levels to get something like that running. I'm also not a fan of huge monitors. Hell, these days it's tough to even find decent 19-inchers. Everything's just got to be huge nowadays. *rolls eyes*
Funny how I say that since I don't even have a monitor due to my lappie gaming, but I still like to keep up with what's out there. I typically play at 1600x900 even thought that 17" screen of mine is 1080P. Still looks very crisp, and gives me excellent performance on my GTX 670MX.
/ramble mode off ;)