Posted August 14, 2014

Red Dead Redemption (Though the Xbox Version is better in temrs of controllers, its still worth it on the PS3 since the GOTY version is on the same disc)
Metal Gear Solid 4 (Obvious reasons)
Dragon's Dogma (get the Dark Arisin version that adds more content and fixes)
Demon's Souls (If you like both Dark Souls, you will feel right at home)
Yakuza 3 and 4
These are games I have confidance you would play, now for the if you are interested category:
Uncharted Trilogy (Its just a linear corrider setpiece game, but its the best of the kind, and I say its worth it at the cheap prices they have)
The Last of Us (Though I think the game is extremely overrated, I had fun with the gameplay)
Heavy Rain (I find this game charming despite it's flaws, and unlike Mass Effect 3 your choices do matter)
Beyond Two Souls (Don't own it, but it looks interesring)
inFamous 1 and 2 (Even though the first game looks like shit for a PS3 exclusive I mean the graphics look like Saints Row 1-2, on a console that gave us Uncharted and Heavy Rain)
Never cared for Resistance even though people say the first game is good. The 2nd's campaign is too COD, the 3rd game brough back good elements from the first game, but I never played it.
Killzone 2 and 3. Heh this game just uses gimmicks to make it look like a Crysis level grahpics. The FPS is the cinematic style that you see in CG game trailers and the Film Grain is everywhere. Masking what the game really looks like. And the controls are quite clunky since your character moves like a (real person with real body physics)