Posted December 22, 2014

1. Heat sink clips
So they decided that they would actually rather have an ammo system than a cool-down system, and needed to come up with a plausible explanation for the change. Well, they failed. In a real world, heat sink clips would be an excellent addition to the cooldown system, but a really shitty replacement for it. It's completely implausible that it would be embraced by anyone, much less everyone. And the fact that every single weapon existing in the world at the time of ME1 has been replaced by the time of ME2 is just as implausible.
2. Questionable moral choices
Getting paragon points for endorsing three different stores as all being "your favorite store" is just stupid.
3. Romance "options"
In ME1, pursuing a romance was very much an "option", meaning you could try it if you wanted, but you didn't really notice it in the game otherwise. In ME2, most shipboard conversations seemed to revolve around luring one of your team mates into bed.
4. Liara
In ME1, I pursued the romance option with Liara. I thought it was very tastefully done (as opposed to the romance options with everyone else in ME2), and looked forward to exploring it further in ME2. As it turned out, in order to get Liara to even talk to me about it, I would have to buy the Lair of the Shadowbroker DLC. Fuck you, Bioware.
5. Planet scanning
This is very much what I meant by "all-out replaced by something much worse". No, the Mako segments in ME1 were not perfect, and could definitely be improved, primarily by making the planet heightmaps less steep. Instead, they removed it altogether and replaced it with what I can only describe as a spherical window cleaning simulator. Whoever was responsible for the introduction of the planet scanning mechanic in ME2 should not work in game design ever again.
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