Posted February 09, 2011

Also - the series was published by Interplay, with the second game (PC version) even being directly MADE by them... While everyone naturally assumes the rights got reverted to Blizzard at some point - were they, really ?
Or was Interplay's role in this smaller than I think ?
They could release it here, but they'll be throwing a million or two away, most likely (assuming the game sells here in the same way that it would sell on Battle.Net).
I say, if some stupid cosmetic in-game pet can sell so much that they made nearly 2 million in cash, a re-release of an old game can sell at least as much.
Oh, and the second game is not recognized by Blizzard. Same as Hellfire for Diablo, and some third party stuff for Starcraft.
Post edited February 09, 2011 by KavazovAngel