Posted May 06, 2011

Registered: Sep 2008
From Sweden

New User
Registered: Feb 2011
From United States
Posted May 06, 2011
Thanks TheEnigmatic T!! Thats good enough for me!!

damaged lemon
Registered: Nov 2008
From Canada

Banned? Never.
Registered: Oct 2008
From United States
Posted May 06, 2011
Well, temporarily great news. T did say these are just temp workers to get them through the Witcher launches. What happens after that? Does GOG support go back to "business as usual"?

Optimus Pegg
Registered: Nov 2009
From United Kingdom
Posted May 06, 2011
training up staff takes the time of staff that would otherwise be supporting, so it's fair that this ramp up would cause a temporary lull in service. However it's not like they've been doing a good enough job for the last year. It's thanks to the community trying to help users that GOG support can cope at all.
As you appear to be listening Mr Enigmatic, any chance GOG will start adopting some kind of formal support process. ITIL compliance maybe? It's right there to be used, many tools there to help. A process intended to provide proper support, and reassure customers that they are not being fobbed off (important for GOG, where people think it's a scam).
As you appear to be listening Mr Enigmatic, any chance GOG will start adopting some kind of formal support process. ITIL compliance maybe? It's right there to be used, many tools there to help. A process intended to provide proper support, and reassure customers that they are not being fobbed off (important for GOG, where people think it's a scam).

Registered: Nov 2008
From Sweden
Posted May 06, 2011
Post edited May 06, 2011 by Miaghstir

GOG Marketer Guy Team
Registered: Nov 2010
From Poland
Posted May 07, 2011

I don't know, really, except that we will very likely evaluate things once the dust from The Witcher 2 has settled and see what seems best from there.
Post edited May 07, 2011 by TheEnigmaticT

The Liberator
Registered: Jan 2009
From United Kingdom
Posted May 07, 2011
Just to put things into some kind of perspective has anybody had positive dealing with GOG support in the past 12 months?

Disagreement Verboten!
Registered: Sep 2010
From United States

csmith Archnemes
Registered: Dec 2010
From Germany
Posted May 07, 2011
I requested a CD key (multi-player) once and got it within the same day, for every other concern I went to the relevant forum and searched for a known solution, which I found reasonably fast given the creepy search function and my weird choice of search terms ;)
Does that count? :p
Does that count? :p

New User
Registered: Dec 2008
From United Kingdom

Code Monkey
Registered: Jan 2011
From United Kingdom
Posted May 07, 2011

GOG Marketer Guy Team
Registered: Nov 2010
From Poland

Registered: Sep 2008
From Sweden
Posted May 07, 2011
Hey man, since you're active here quite a lot, can you please answer me, whether the installers are going to be updated to support Games Explorer on Windows 7 properly? And also remove some obsolete registry keys that they add?

Eschalon - Book One
Registered: Oct 2009
From United States