Posted December 16, 2014

Minis King Size?
Registered: Jul 2014
From United States

New User
Registered: Oct 2010
From Germany
Posted December 16, 2014
RPGs where the effectiveness of your guns depends on your skill. And I don't just mean you are less likely to miss, I mean the gun actually does more damage.

Gray Eminence
Registered: May 2011
From Croatia
Posted December 16, 2014

New-ish User
Registered: Dec 2008
From United Kingdom
Posted December 16, 2014

Registered: Dec 2012
From Germany
Posted December 16, 2014

"Adventures in totally ignored farmlands" :D

New User
Registered: Dec 2013
From United States
Posted December 16, 2014

The lack of proper maps and how important they are is irritating me. Wolf is not the only one which fucked up maps when it should not have done so.
Did it have South Sudan?

Getting warm...
Registered: Oct 2014
From Greece
Posted December 16, 2014
Age of Empires is full of misconceptions.
Like that a civilisation that starts out with 3 male villagers can still reproduce.
Or that walls break down after a few strikes of a ram, but the stomach of a villager can take a lot more of those.
Or that you can ram crops and put them on fire.
There are a lot.....
Like that a civilisation that starts out with 3 male villagers can still reproduce.
Or that walls break down after a few strikes of a ram, but the stomach of a villager can take a lot more of those.
Or that you can ram crops and put them on fire.
There are a lot.....

Registered: Dec 2012
From Germany

New User
Registered: Dec 2013
From United States
Posted December 16, 2014

Like that a civilisation that starts out with 3 male villagers can still reproduce.
Or that walls break down after a few strikes of a ram, but the stomach of a villager can take a lot more of those.
Or that you can ram crops and put them on fire.
There are a lot.....
Although, AoE II did have firearms in El Cid's campaign, and he was around from 1043 to 1099 and, if there were firearms I can tell you they sure didn't get to the Westernmost parts of Europe yet.

Angel of Review
Registered: Oct 2011
From United States
Posted December 16, 2014

Reet mazer
Registered: Mar 2014
From United States
Posted December 16, 2014

Registered: Apr 2011
From United States
Posted December 16, 2014

It's kind of a bandwidth problem - video games are limited to 2 senses (sight and sound) basically, and the scope of those senses is limited even more by the screen size and speaker setup. Games that present a player with no map, for example, are actually presenting them with much less information than an ordinary person would have IRL with their directional sense and place memory.
For me, games are entertainment - and if a piece of entertainment is going to demand as much of my attention as real life, I'm going to go do something IRL. If I have to pull out papers maps, I'm going to go on a trip with friends. If I have to start learning complex chemistry, I'm going to go do actual chemistry experiments (a good starting place is If I have to start paying attention to ingredient lists, I'm going to go cook something. I play games because it's easier and more fantastical than RL.
Games are fundamentally less productive than RL and therefore I'm going to put less effort in, because if I wanted to put that much effort into (for example) making my own gear I'd learn smithing or tailoring and actually make my own gear.

New User
Registered: May 2011
From United States
Posted December 16, 2014

It's kind of a bandwidth problem - video games are limited to 2 senses (sight and sound) basically, and the scope of those senses is limited even more by the screen size and speaker setup. Games that present a player with no map, for example, are actually presenting them with much less information than an ordinary person would have IRL with their directional sense and place memory.
For me, games are entertainment - and if a piece of entertainment is going to demand as much of my attention as real life, I'm going to go do something IRL. If I have to pull out papers maps, I'm going to go on a trip with friends. If I have to start learning complex chemistry, I'm going to go do actual chemistry experiments (a good starting place is If I have to start paying attention to ingredient lists, I'm going to go cook something. I play games because it's easier and more fantastical than RL.
Games are fundamentally less productive than RL and therefore I'm going to put less effort in, because if I wanted to put that much effort into (for example) making my own gear I'd learn smithing or tailoring and actually make my own gear.
A game like Eador, on the other hand, has a far more abstracted environment, and so I accept gameplay limitations far more readily.

Registered: Apr 2011
From United States
Posted December 16, 2014

It's kind of a bandwidth problem - video games are limited to 2 senses (sight and sound) basically, and the scope of those senses is limited even more by the screen size and speaker setup. Games that present a player with no map, for example, are actually presenting them with much less information than an ordinary person would have IRL with their directional sense and place memory.
For me, games are entertainment - and if a piece of entertainment is going to demand as much of my attention as real life, I'm going to go do something IRL. If I have to pull out papers maps, I'm going to go on a trip with friends. If I have to start learning complex chemistry, I'm going to go do actual chemistry experiments (a good starting place is If I have to start paying attention to ingredient lists, I'm going to go cook something. I play games because it's easier and more fantastical than RL.
Games are fundamentally less productive than RL and therefore I'm going to put less effort in, because if I wanted to put that much effort into (for example) making my own gear I'd learn smithing or tailoring and actually make my own gear.

A game like Eador, on the other hand, has a far more abstracted environment, and so I accept gameplay limitations far more readily.
I simply don't find most games immersive enough that this is a serious issue for me. I've run into the same problem of non-climbable slopes, etc, but I'm not invested enough for it to be frustrating. My gamebreakers are more on the lines of incoherent interfaces and problems for the player like permadeath. A game that wants me to manage my other priorities around it is an absolute no-go, which is why I stopped playing Pokemon and am uninterested in most MMOs.
Post edited December 16, 2014 by HGiles

Deadpan Snarker
Registered: Jun 2012
From Germany
Posted December 16, 2014

You just committed multiple felonies, and the entire police squad along with helicopters are chasing you - you run home and go to bed, and everything is all better. lol

Post edited December 16, 2014 by Randalator