Oh man, just have to rant about this somewhere.
Knytt Underground was pretty fun for the first two chapters. Not as good as some of the player-made scenarios for Knytt Stories but pretty good, nonetheless.
Then you get to chapter 3. Where, all of the sudden, you have to go on a massive fetch quest spanning 4x the amount of land you traveled in the first two chapters. AND you get quests that, on their own, require you to collect 2x the amount of stuff you collected in the entirety of the first chapter.
Theoretically, I should be psyched about this because it means that it'll last significantly longer than the first two chapters, which were each only an hour at most. But it feels like a huge "fuck you!" especially when taking into account that the game does not take itself very seriously at all. It's almost like it's intentionally such a long fetch quest just because it can be.